Friday, November 19, 2010


Mat 21:1 And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the Mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

Mat 21:2 Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

Mat 21:3 And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

Mat 21:4 All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying

Mat 21:5 Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.

The Lord Jesus was very passionate about fulfilling his divine assignment when He was on earth. Knowing what had been prophesied about him in the Old Testament, He set His face to Jerusalem with His appointment with destiny. As he drew near to Jerusalem He stopped abruptly because there were conditions that had to be met for Him to enter the city. Zechariah the Prophet had prophesied in Zech 9:9 that the Messiah will enter the city riding on a donkey. Therefore Jesus could not enter the city without riding that donkey. Though He was willing, anointed and zealous, He could not break the prophetic law and enter the city. For Him to be qualified to die for humanity in Jerusalem, it was necessary to fulfill all the prophetic declarations about Him. His work of salvation was here hinged on this donkey. He called His disciples and asked them to go and get the donkey because He was in need of it. It is incredible that the son of the most high God is in need of a donkey. Though He was very powerful, yet He needed the Donkey to transport Him to His appointment of destiny. Without this donkey His mandate could not be fulfilled.

I wonder what the donkey felt until this time. It had felt insignificant and useless. It was tied up and no one was riding it. There was no progress in its life. It seemed there was no purpose for its existence. Yet it was the object of divine purpose. It was not born to be just tied up as life passes by. It existed because it was the transport of the most high God for a divine appointment. People might have despised it; it might have embraced its mediocrity and settled for a life of being tied up until the Lord put a demand on its existence. The divine requirement exposed its significance and potential. It was the transport for divinity to fulfill the mandate of salvation.

Do you know God needs you? You are the object of His affection, the vehicle of divine purpose, His precious agent of His will on earth. Do you know the omnipotent God needs you? Don’t let your past experience label you, don’t settle for the limitation of man’s measurement but look up to your maker who demands your presence to reveal divine excellence on earth. Without your cooperation with God, His work in your life will be sabotaged. You must be awakened to this revelation that you are here on earth as an agent of divine purpose. You are an ambassador to implement His order in the vicinity you dwell. Without you, there are many divine purposes that will not progress in your life. Though God is omnipotent, He needs you to manifest His purpose. The Lord sent His disciples to bring the donkey to Him so that they can together fulfilled the mandate of God. The Lord demands our consecration so our significance will be revealed. It is when we have dedicated ourselves to the Lord will we be able to fulfill our divine purpose. Many of our dreams and desires have not manifested because we are over-opinionated, ambitious and selfish believers who live to ourselves. We delight in our religious activities without consecration. We are skilled in our church formalities yet are not submitted to His will. The Lord wants to do incredible things in our lives but are we willing to yield to Him through consecration?

Though the donkey was tied up, it was released because the Lord had need of it. His demand for the donkey was greater than any impediment that restricted or opposed it being brought to the Lord. If many believers will come to the revelation that the Lord is in need of them, the shackles of the enemy will break of them. Many are bound because they refuse to enter into consecration. Consecration to divine purpose liberates one from the restrictions and bondage of the enemy. Let us arise and respond to the call of consecration for the Lord has need to fulfill all those things He has promised concerning us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Faint; BELIEVE!

Psa 27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Fainting is when you are weary of your walk with the Lord. It makes you sluggish and cannot bear any divine responsibility. You are depleted of the invigorating joy that empowers you in your walk of faith. When you feel you have no strength to go on any more you have been bitten by the bug of fainting. You then begin to give excuses why you cannot engage in any divine activity. You compromise your righteous ethics and you utterances are marked with defeat and discouragement. The seemly burden of your disappointment makes you intolerable, extremely sensitive and easily offensive. The virus of fainting is a peril to the Christian walk yet the Lord has given us its antidote and it is called belief.

The writer was so sure that he would have fainted if he had not believed in the Lord in the midst of his challenging circumstances. What he had experienced could have sucked his strength right out of him but his belief in the Lord immunized him from the viral effect of fainting. God has not promised us a detour from the path of contrary circumstances. He has not exempted us from the peril of defeat or the onslaught of the enemy but He has empowered us with the ability to believe in the midst of our contrary circumstances. He has given us a glimpse of the goodness ahead. What you see now is not your end for the omnipotent God has determined the conclusion of the matter. Your belief in the goodness ahead will energize you to keep walking and not throw in the towel. If we will survive the onslaught of the enemy we need to believe to see. Our expectation in the Lord makes us understand that our peril today is temporary. Our joy must not be measured by what we just see today, but the goodness ahead. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? DO YOU BELIEVE GOD IS ABLE? IF you are paralyzed with the symptoms of fainting I strongly exhort you to look ahead for there is goodness ahead. I urge you to believe and shake yourself out of your slumber. Remind yourself of the promises of God and say with me: I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE TO SEE.

Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

1Co 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

BY: Pastor R. Mantey

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Lk 1:34-35 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Mary, a young destitute virgin who lived in obscurity in the province of Galilee was visited by the angel of the Lord and was promise to be the mother of the Messiah. This was the greatest honor that could be bestowed on a Jewish girl. She was graced with such an honor not because she merited it or was so distinguished in piety but it was the grace of God. Though Mary believed the angel's message, she could not fathom how God was going to pull this off because she "knew no man". If she was going to conceive this promise of the Lord, she will need a man. Unfortunately, she knew no man as at yet. Mary lacked the human potential to produce the promise of God. If she were to be scrutinized, her deficiency, inadequacy and handicaps was painstakingly evident. She was inexperienced and her virginity was very apparent. However God chose her in spite of her handicaps to conceive this incredible feat. Her weakness made her liable to the promise of God.

There are many who have been given incredible promises of the Lord and yet they lack the means to manifest such promises. Such know not a man. They lack the human concepts, strategies or potential to conceive the divine promise. There are many of such who have been called into ministry and yet have no theological training. They lack the eloquence or oratory skills needed for good communication of the gospel. Some become incoherent when exposed to a congregation and yet the promise of the Lord to them is that they will preach the gospel. Others have been promised businesses and yet they lack the capital, or the commercial ingenuity to even initiate such feat. These people can not trust in man because they "know not a man". Their limitations qualify them for the grace of God. If they could conceive the promises of God they will not be used by God because then it will not be by His grace. God is still using the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He chooses the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty so no man can glory in His presence (1Cor
1:27-28). These are used because they know not a man and therefore will have to depend on the grace of God.

Since Mary lacked the human potential as at yet to conceive the promise of God, she asked the angel how God was going to get this done. The angel made her aware that it will take the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Mary did not need a man to conceive the promise but the Holy Spirit. The angel indicated that when the Holy Spirit comes upon her, she will receive all the potential that she needed to manifest the promise of God. It is the Spirit of the Lord that imparts the grace we need to fulfill the will of God; hence He is called the Spirit of grace (Zech 12:10). We need Him in all our divine endeavors. Without Him we will be paralyzed in our attempt to fulfill the mandates of God. It does not take power or might to embark on our divine tasks but it is by the Holy Spirit (Zech 4:6b). Let us increase our fellowship with Him so He can grace us with the skills we need to birth the things of the Lord.

By Pastor Mantey

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Setting Goals-part 1- Pamela Mantey [HQ].mp4

Setting Goals-part 2- Pamela Mantey [HQ].mp4


Zec 4:7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

Zerubbabel was the Jewish leader who was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple after their exile from Babylon. He had successfully laid the foundation of the temple but was gravely opposed by the enemies of the Jewish nation that the construction came to a halt. This opposition was insurmountable, immovable, and impassable, like a mountain. Completing the temple project was a daunting task in the face of such an incredible opposition yet God exhorts His servant through the prophet Zechariah not to give up. God promised to miraculously demolish such mountain into a plain. Though the opposition was surely like a mountain yet it could not hinder God in fulfilling His purpose through His servant. Therefore God asks: who art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabel? God belittles the opposition in light of who Zerubbabbel was to Him. If Zerubbabel knew who he was, he would have been assured that God would surely empower him to fulfill his divine assignment.

Today, God’s question must resonate and be amplified in our hearts at the face of our oppositions. God is still asking: Who art thou, O great mountain before my people? It is not the size of the opposition that counts but our identity in God will determine the finality of the matter. Do you really know who you are in God then? Do you really know the God you belong to? We have allowed the size of our mountains to suspend our obedience to our divine assignments. We focus on the mountain and belittle ourselves. We compare our potentials to the power of the oppositions and we get so discouraged because we fail to bring God in the equation. Sure, your oppositions are great like a mountain before you, but to God, it is nothing like a plain. Do you know who you are in God? If you did you will not be discouraged. Your identity in God has equipped you to face any challenge and be victorious. You were born to be overcome.

1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Through the process of our being born again, we were equipped with the potential to overcome any opposition that threatens our divine purpose. Therefore, if we get the revelation of who we really are in God, we will be launched into the power of faith to confront any opposition. If we focus on only our problems and ignore our divine identity we will be griped with fear. Do you know who you are? Do you know the name that God calls you? The mountain of opposition must be terrified of you. You are not a nobody but a child of the most high God. Do you know who you are?

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

In light of your divine identity, the mountain is nothing? It is there to expose your divine potential. If there is no mountain in your life, then the invisible God will not demonstrate His miraculous power in your life. Get ready for your mountain is about to be destroyed because you are a child of God. Your identity guarantees your completion of the divine assignment.

God exhorts Zerubbabel that as he has laid the foundation of the temple, he shall bring forth the headstone with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it to finish it. God does not start what He is not determined to complete. If he started it, then you should be fully assured He will complete it. If he built the foundation, then there is no mountain of opposition that will stop Him from laying the headstone. What then is this mountain that has gripped you with fear? What is this boastful mountain before YOU? I exhort you to awaken to your true identity and know that you belong to the most high God before whom mountains evaporate to become a plain.

Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

By Reindorf Mantey
