Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Walking with God

A prism of glass mitters lights and casts a colored braid
Marching in aligned cue,
In variations yet still,
announcing the procession of the Omnipresent Being
A garden sings sweet incantations the human heart strains to hear
As the DO-RE-TI-LA-SO swings from the revivifying air of Heaven
Painting an eternal rainbow of melodies.....

Hiding in every flower,
in every leaf
in every twig and bough
~ the reflections of the God who once walked
Walking with us in Eden;

All the way to heaven
Is heaven began to the Christian who walks,
never enough to God to hear the secrets He has to impart
Oh how sweet the aroma of His presence as He walks
Bursting with succulent and lavish beauty
Scooping us up under His wings,
Simply siting in a silent strength in our presence
Auscultating the hardened but fragile hearts
As they beat,
Beating every breath away yet adoring Him
We acknowledge His awesome presence that
Even now He is Here with US

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! WOW!!!This is truly a refreshing piece of impartation that would inspire anyone to write! But most importantly it is a revelation of our God that we had not heard before. AWESOME!!!!!!

