Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's in a Name?

What's in a name?
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
But a rose is what was on the mind of God when He made me.
Fair and purposed deliberately in the mind of our Creator.
Whose love spans wider than oceans.
And in comparison to power and might there is non greater.
He is delicate enough to form my tender breast,
Yet strong enough to mold the ribs to protect my chest.
What a great, great God, infinite in majesty and grace.
I could make idols of wood, of money, or gold,
But none can ever replace,
Nothing can fill the space,
I have in my heart for only you.
The One who is called Faithful and True.
The Alpha and Omega, Lord of everything.
The Ruler of Light who subdues darkness,
The King who is mightier than all kings.
You are chief among ten-thousand,
You stand out far above the rest.
The I AM THAT I AM the One who loves at all costs,
And gives the best of the best and nothing less.
The One who suffices my lonliness.
The One who delivers me from my own mess.
And lifts me from the mire when I feel worthless.
Who dusts me off and shines me like tarnished silver.
The One who spent His blood to be my Deliverer.
My Redeemer, my Lover, my Friend.
The One who cleans me off and tells me to start over again.
Anew with no baggage or excess issues,
The One who left glory to walk a mile to Golgotha in my shoes.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I love to call Your name.
If God had sent another son, it would never be the same.

Jesus be my only obssession.
Let Your Word in my heart be my only possession.
If I have You I have life abundantly.
If I have You, You're all I need.
And if You have me,
Then I have eternity with Thee...

What's in a name?


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1 comment:

  1. Oh my what a revelation!
    Thank you Jesus for the comfort.
    I know you are always by my side and thus I am not consume; Your banner over me is love

