Thursday, October 28, 2010


Gen 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

The Bible says God created the earth and placed Adam and Eve in a garden called Eden – pleasure. God gave them a commandment not to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil but they disobeyed. Their disobedience placed them in direct opposition to God and therefore He had to cast them out of the garden. In the midst of time while God was casting them out of Eden he gave them a pronouncement, a prophetic declaration. He told them that although Satan through his deceptive means has caused them to deny their heritage and status in God, through their seed they will crush the head of the serpent. So when they came out of the garden their only hope of restoration was the seed God promised them.

Adam with the prophetic word in mind knew his wife and she bore him children. With Cain being the first the born and Abel the second, they were confident that one of them was the seed God was talking about. Preferably, the first son, Cain! But something tragic happened during the cause of life. Cain became messed up and murdered his only brother Abel. Now Adam and Eve’s dreams and hope for restoration had been shattered.

With Cain rejected, driven from the presence of God and Abel murdered, what was going to be the outcome of Adam and Eve’s generation and moreover the prophetic word given to them by God?

Many of us find ourselves in situations such as Adam and Eve and all we can think of is throwing in the towel. Some also forget that God is God indeed and nothing can and will stop him from fulfilling his purpose in our lives as we allow him.

Isa 14:27 For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?

Adam and Eve held on to the promise of God and took a step again. The Bible tells us the he “knew” his wife again and she bore him a son called Seth meaning in stead of or substitute or appointed. Because he did it again their dreams and hope for restoration were realized. Their trust in God became the vehicle that transported them to arena of doing it again, thus “knowing” his wife to produce another seed. Do you trust God? Do you really believe God be who you say He is?

Maybe you have placed your trust in someone or something and you have been disappointed. You have been left paralyzed, demoralized and traumatized. You are so discouraged that you have thrown in the towel. You are confused and clueless of what to do in life anymore. I write to you to encourage you that God has a vision for you life. He has a mandate for your life. It is does not matter whether you have lost your “Abel” and frustrated with your “Cain”. God has an appointment for you. The vision of God for your life is set for an appointed time. Believe His word, and trust also in him and He shall bring it to pass. For as long as He is seated on the throne, that vision or prophecy will be made manifest. It is not over until God says it is over. Don’t throw in the towel for the vision of God is set for an appointed time even though it seems you have lost it all.

Now, considering Adam and Eve’s situation, they should have given up, complained, murmured against God like some of us do. They should have departed from righteousness unto ungodliness just because the manifestation of the Lord’s promise was delayed. Rather they remembered the word declared to them by God and decided to take another step. Though they failed the first time but that did not stop them. They did it again and succeeded.

I might not know what you are going through but I have come to you today in writing to tell you don’t loose hope but rather trust God and His word and do it again. Whatever the devil might have stolen from you don’t let it stop your confidence in God. You might not understand God’s plans or His ways but Jer. 29:11 clearly states that His plans towards us are good and to bring us to an expected end. Rise up mighty man and woman of God in obedience to His word and do it again. Whatever the Lord has spoken to you, don’t withdraw because of your past failure. Let it be your experience and do it again.

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