Wednesday, July 13, 2011


One day a woodcutter took his grandson into the forest for his first experience in selecting and cutting oak trees. These they would later sell to the boat builders. As they walked along, the woodcutter explained that the purpose of each tree is contained in its natural shape: some are straight for planks, some have the proper curves for the ribs of a boat, and some are tall for masts. The woodcutter told his grandson that by paying attention to the details of each tree, and with experience in recognizing these characteristics, someday he too might become the woodcutter of the forest.

A little way into the forest, the grandson saw an old oak tree that had never been cut. The boy asked his grandfather if he could cut it down because it was useless for boat building - there were no straight limbs, the trunk was, short and gnarled, and the curves were going the wrong way. "We could cut it down for firewood," the grandson said. "At least then it will be of some use to us." The woodcutter replied that for now they should be about their work cutting the proper trees for the boat builders; maybe later they could return to the old oak tree.

After a few hours of cutting the huge trees, the grandson grew tired and asked if they could stop for a rest in some cool shade. The woodcutter took his grandson over to the old oak tree, where they rested against its trunk in the cool shade beneath its twisted limbs. After they had rested a while, the woodcutter explained to his grandson the necessity of attentive awareness and recognition of everything in the forest and in the world.

Some things are readily apparent, like the tall, straight trees; other things are less apparent, requiring closer attention, like recognition of the proper curves in the limbs. And some things might initially appear to have no purpose at all, like the gnarled old oak tree. The woodcutter stated, "You must learn to pay careful attention every day so you can recognize and discover the purpose God has for everything in creation. For it is this old oak tree, which you so quickly deemed useless except for firewood, that now allows us to rest against its trunk amidst the coolness of its shade.

"Remember, grandson, not everything is as it first appears. Be patient, pay attention, recognize, and discover."

It is very unfortunate that many of us feel the same way. We go through life cycles beaten down and like the old oak tree nobody sees our worth as we also feel likewise. We have given up so much on life that we nothing good can come out of our lives. But just because you do not know your value does not mean you are not valuable. The old oak tree did not have beautiful description, it was not recognized amongst the finest of the trees and even the grandson labeled it useless yet it’s role was very significant; Yes your experiences in life may have forced you to label yourself useless like the old oak tree that had a short and gnarled trunk, crooked limbs, and the curves going the wrong way.

Society may have despised you and ready to “cut you down” nevertheless you are here because you are needed. The old oak tree knew it’s worth. It did not have great accolades but it was needed because it provided shade and a refuge for the grandfather and his grandson, a great need that the other trees could not provide. You may not know your worth but do you know that you are a vital player for the good of humanity? Do you know that in spite of your insecurities and deficiencies, the world needs what you have? Actually you are the product of a billion years of thinking; the Greatest Mind in the universe designed you-GOD ALMIGHTY!

Consider the two scriptures below:
The bible in Genesis 1:26
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness……”.

We see God speaking to Himself, the Trinity (FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT) to make man (us) in HIS image, after His likeness. The image here is not referring to physical likeness but it is translated originally translated from the hebrew wores, tselem and demut which means nature, copy, characteristics and essence. Which indicates that we (MAN (both male & female) are expression of God Himself. In other words, we carry the same characteristics, nature and moral attributes of God. And as children of God we are supposed to talk and act like Him. Look into your life today and ask yourself, are you behaving like God? If not reevaluate your life.

The bible in Romans 11:36 Amplified Bible (AMP) Says,
“36For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. [For all things originate with Him and come from Him; all things live through Him, and all things center in and tend to consummate and to end in Him.] To Him be glory forever! Amen (so be it).”

Thus from the above scriptures, we know that everything we see in life has a source who is God Almighty and we exist to give Him Glory. Thus the only way you will know your value is to know the mind of your Source concerning you and He sees value in you because you are His original piece, a display of His glory and beautiful creation.

David described himself as unique, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 134:14)
He was confident because he knew he was a masterpiece. What an attitude! Sometimes we need to stand in the mirror and admire ourselves including all our imperfections and boldly declare our uniqueness because that is what we are.

You may be beaten down by the storms of life nevertheless you are needed by your Creator, and He loves you unconditionally. The gnarled old oak tree was hit by rain and other natural disasters yet it was still needful. The tree that initially appeared to have no purpose at all and deemed useless except for firewood was the same tree that allowed the old man and his grandson to rest against its trunk amidst the coolness of its shade.

We need to rise up today and realize that our presence is needed in our families, job, school, marriage and the world at large we may be stones the builders rejected yesterday or today but we can still be the cornerstone (Psalm 118:22) tomorrow and until we recognize our value we will not contribute to the greater good of humanity.

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