Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Key to Kingdom Wealth

I am more than just a face, a body to fill the seat in your worship space.
I am more than a puppet you talk at.
I have feelings emotions; you never know where my head,
Nevermind where my heart is at.

I am more than just a face,
Occupying a bench in your worship place.
Invest in me instead of Wall Street and Walmart,
Daily look beyond yourself
And you will find, within a short time,
That I am the key to kingdom wealth.

We've lost some things along the way with Christ.
We've wallowed in deception and flaming fame,
But we run from poltergiests.
What happened to speaking to a demon in a low calm voice?
Not counseling him and giving an option or a choice.
But to take authority, give him the eviction
And bring the person back into submission
To the rulership of Jesus Christ.
Church, we've lost our way.
Could we for just one year
Be as nice as we are to each other on Christmas day?
I don't know where you dwell,
But here in the northeast, people are as cold as hell.
They can blame it on the snow, blame it on the ice,
But most Christians are invisible because they just ain't nice.
The simplest things as a hi or a smile would do the heart good.
Then you wonder why no one wants to get saved in your neighborhood.

People are more than just faces
More than just a body to fill your worship spaces.
You never know the traces of damage the world has left on their heart.
You never know the pain of their shoes til you have to walk that far.
You never know the sorrow that lies down with them at night.
You never know the bleakness of their future's light,
But 20/20 vision to see the horrors of their hindsight.
Until you open your heart, stop talking at them from behind your bible.
Always talking about your needs,
Not knowing the lows a soul has to endure for the sake of survival.

Solomon said, "Do not eat the bread of a miser."
How is it that the church can’t out-give Budweiser?
How is it that the church is holding out on the poor?
When loving, feeding, clothing, and teaching His sheep
Is all Christ is asking you for?
How can your savings account still be full
When you see sheep in need?
How can you drive away from church to go to KFC
When you know the sister sitting on the pew next to you
May not have anything to eat?
Church, it's time to trade in the stocks and bonds and the 401k's
And go back to the first century church,
The having "all things in common" days.
They pooled their resources and they elevated together
And there was nothing anyone lacked.
Which means, if Peter was full when he raised Dorcas,
Then you know her belly was fat.
And if Barnabas could sell land,
Then no apostle rented, they all owned.
Come on Saints, you do the math.
So today if Paul was traveling from Corinth to Ephesus and was to be in a jet flown,
There is no reason that Aquilla and Priscilla should've drove.

Why are you entertaining sensual, worldly wisdom,
When the world did not begat you?
Why are you holding onto what does not even belong to you?
Could it be the modern day church's issues with giving
Is hindering the abundant life we should be living?
How you treat your brother will determine your power
In this final hour.
The world needs healing and needs to be turned around
But until the church is delivered from selfishness,
Our prayers for greatness fall to the ground.

I am more than just a face,
Occupying a bench in your worship place.
Invest in me instead of Wall Street and Walmart,
Daily look beyond yourself
And you will find, within a short time,
That me, a mere sheep, is the key to all kingdom wealth.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this insight.
    It is about time Pastors and Godly leaders stop fleecing the flock and take care of them with tenderness & meekness.
    For they are very valuable to God.

    Before I entered into full time ministry, I remember the days I used to attend revival meetings & prophetic conferences.
    It was interesting to find out how those men of God who profess Christ as their Master always dwell so much on money & material things instead of the important things such as transformation of character, holiness and intimacy with Jesus Christ. They would talk for hours on how they prophesied and delivered people and money & fame without mentioning even the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
    But thank God now I am enlightened and now I know better. No more deception.

    A Pastor who does not feed you with the living Word of God is not really in line with God.
    Not every food you eat gives you nourishment that is why it is important to eat the right kind of food to grow strong & healthy.
    Thus a man of God who does not bring you to the feet of Jesus is one you need to watch and run away from, because even the ultimate purpose of the Holy Spirit is leading you to intimacy with Jesus Christ.

    That is why personal spiritual discipline is important; you need to read the Bible daily and develop an intimate relationship with God and allow Him to be personal in your life. It is only through that will you be able to differentiate between wolves in sheep's clothing and the genuine ones.

    It is about time we take responsibility of the people that God has entrusted in our care and know that we will one day give accounts concerning them.
    God bless you Sister for this truth.

