Friday, November 19, 2010


Mat 21:1 And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the Mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

Mat 21:2 Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

Mat 21:3 And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

Mat 21:4 All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying

Mat 21:5 Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.

The Lord Jesus was very passionate about fulfilling his divine assignment when He was on earth. Knowing what had been prophesied about him in the Old Testament, He set His face to Jerusalem with His appointment with destiny. As he drew near to Jerusalem He stopped abruptly because there were conditions that had to be met for Him to enter the city. Zechariah the Prophet had prophesied in Zech 9:9 that the Messiah will enter the city riding on a donkey. Therefore Jesus could not enter the city without riding that donkey. Though He was willing, anointed and zealous, He could not break the prophetic law and enter the city. For Him to be qualified to die for humanity in Jerusalem, it was necessary to fulfill all the prophetic declarations about Him. His work of salvation was here hinged on this donkey. He called His disciples and asked them to go and get the donkey because He was in need of it. It is incredible that the son of the most high God is in need of a donkey. Though He was very powerful, yet He needed the Donkey to transport Him to His appointment of destiny. Without this donkey His mandate could not be fulfilled.

I wonder what the donkey felt until this time. It had felt insignificant and useless. It was tied up and no one was riding it. There was no progress in its life. It seemed there was no purpose for its existence. Yet it was the object of divine purpose. It was not born to be just tied up as life passes by. It existed because it was the transport of the most high God for a divine appointment. People might have despised it; it might have embraced its mediocrity and settled for a life of being tied up until the Lord put a demand on its existence. The divine requirement exposed its significance and potential. It was the transport for divinity to fulfill the mandate of salvation.

Do you know God needs you? You are the object of His affection, the vehicle of divine purpose, His precious agent of His will on earth. Do you know the omnipotent God needs you? Don’t let your past experience label you, don’t settle for the limitation of man’s measurement but look up to your maker who demands your presence to reveal divine excellence on earth. Without your cooperation with God, His work in your life will be sabotaged. You must be awakened to this revelation that you are here on earth as an agent of divine purpose. You are an ambassador to implement His order in the vicinity you dwell. Without you, there are many divine purposes that will not progress in your life. Though God is omnipotent, He needs you to manifest His purpose. The Lord sent His disciples to bring the donkey to Him so that they can together fulfilled the mandate of God. The Lord demands our consecration so our significance will be revealed. It is when we have dedicated ourselves to the Lord will we be able to fulfill our divine purpose. Many of our dreams and desires have not manifested because we are over-opinionated, ambitious and selfish believers who live to ourselves. We delight in our religious activities without consecration. We are skilled in our church formalities yet are not submitted to His will. The Lord wants to do incredible things in our lives but are we willing to yield to Him through consecration?

Though the donkey was tied up, it was released because the Lord had need of it. His demand for the donkey was greater than any impediment that restricted or opposed it being brought to the Lord. If many believers will come to the revelation that the Lord is in need of them, the shackles of the enemy will break of them. Many are bound because they refuse to enter into consecration. Consecration to divine purpose liberates one from the restrictions and bondage of the enemy. Let us arise and respond to the call of consecration for the Lord has need to fulfill all those things He has promised concerning us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Faint; BELIEVE!

Psa 27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Fainting is when you are weary of your walk with the Lord. It makes you sluggish and cannot bear any divine responsibility. You are depleted of the invigorating joy that empowers you in your walk of faith. When you feel you have no strength to go on any more you have been bitten by the bug of fainting. You then begin to give excuses why you cannot engage in any divine activity. You compromise your righteous ethics and you utterances are marked with defeat and discouragement. The seemly burden of your disappointment makes you intolerable, extremely sensitive and easily offensive. The virus of fainting is a peril to the Christian walk yet the Lord has given us its antidote and it is called belief.

The writer was so sure that he would have fainted if he had not believed in the Lord in the midst of his challenging circumstances. What he had experienced could have sucked his strength right out of him but his belief in the Lord immunized him from the viral effect of fainting. God has not promised us a detour from the path of contrary circumstances. He has not exempted us from the peril of defeat or the onslaught of the enemy but He has empowered us with the ability to believe in the midst of our contrary circumstances. He has given us a glimpse of the goodness ahead. What you see now is not your end for the omnipotent God has determined the conclusion of the matter. Your belief in the goodness ahead will energize you to keep walking and not throw in the towel. If we will survive the onslaught of the enemy we need to believe to see. Our expectation in the Lord makes us understand that our peril today is temporary. Our joy must not be measured by what we just see today, but the goodness ahead. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? DO YOU BELIEVE GOD IS ABLE? IF you are paralyzed with the symptoms of fainting I strongly exhort you to look ahead for there is goodness ahead. I urge you to believe and shake yourself out of your slumber. Remind yourself of the promises of God and say with me: I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE TO SEE.

Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

1Co 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

BY: Pastor R. Mantey

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Lk 1:34-35 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Mary, a young destitute virgin who lived in obscurity in the province of Galilee was visited by the angel of the Lord and was promise to be the mother of the Messiah. This was the greatest honor that could be bestowed on a Jewish girl. She was graced with such an honor not because she merited it or was so distinguished in piety but it was the grace of God. Though Mary believed the angel's message, she could not fathom how God was going to pull this off because she "knew no man". If she was going to conceive this promise of the Lord, she will need a man. Unfortunately, she knew no man as at yet. Mary lacked the human potential to produce the promise of God. If she were to be scrutinized, her deficiency, inadequacy and handicaps was painstakingly evident. She was inexperienced and her virginity was very apparent. However God chose her in spite of her handicaps to conceive this incredible feat. Her weakness made her liable to the promise of God.

There are many who have been given incredible promises of the Lord and yet they lack the means to manifest such promises. Such know not a man. They lack the human concepts, strategies or potential to conceive the divine promise. There are many of such who have been called into ministry and yet have no theological training. They lack the eloquence or oratory skills needed for good communication of the gospel. Some become incoherent when exposed to a congregation and yet the promise of the Lord to them is that they will preach the gospel. Others have been promised businesses and yet they lack the capital, or the commercial ingenuity to even initiate such feat. These people can not trust in man because they "know not a man". Their limitations qualify them for the grace of God. If they could conceive the promises of God they will not be used by God because then it will not be by His grace. God is still using the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He chooses the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty so no man can glory in His presence (1Cor
1:27-28). These are used because they know not a man and therefore will have to depend on the grace of God.

Since Mary lacked the human potential as at yet to conceive the promise of God, she asked the angel how God was going to get this done. The angel made her aware that it will take the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Mary did not need a man to conceive the promise but the Holy Spirit. The angel indicated that when the Holy Spirit comes upon her, she will receive all the potential that she needed to manifest the promise of God. It is the Spirit of the Lord that imparts the grace we need to fulfill the will of God; hence He is called the Spirit of grace (Zech 12:10). We need Him in all our divine endeavors. Without Him we will be paralyzed in our attempt to fulfill the mandates of God. It does not take power or might to embark on our divine tasks but it is by the Holy Spirit (Zech 4:6b). Let us increase our fellowship with Him so He can grace us with the skills we need to birth the things of the Lord.

By Pastor Mantey

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Setting Goals-part 1- Pamela Mantey [HQ].mp4

Setting Goals-part 2- Pamela Mantey [HQ].mp4


Zec 4:7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

Zerubbabel was the Jewish leader who was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple after their exile from Babylon. He had successfully laid the foundation of the temple but was gravely opposed by the enemies of the Jewish nation that the construction came to a halt. This opposition was insurmountable, immovable, and impassable, like a mountain. Completing the temple project was a daunting task in the face of such an incredible opposition yet God exhorts His servant through the prophet Zechariah not to give up. God promised to miraculously demolish such mountain into a plain. Though the opposition was surely like a mountain yet it could not hinder God in fulfilling His purpose through His servant. Therefore God asks: who art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabel? God belittles the opposition in light of who Zerubbabbel was to Him. If Zerubbabel knew who he was, he would have been assured that God would surely empower him to fulfill his divine assignment.

Today, God’s question must resonate and be amplified in our hearts at the face of our oppositions. God is still asking: Who art thou, O great mountain before my people? It is not the size of the opposition that counts but our identity in God will determine the finality of the matter. Do you really know who you are in God then? Do you really know the God you belong to? We have allowed the size of our mountains to suspend our obedience to our divine assignments. We focus on the mountain and belittle ourselves. We compare our potentials to the power of the oppositions and we get so discouraged because we fail to bring God in the equation. Sure, your oppositions are great like a mountain before you, but to God, it is nothing like a plain. Do you know who you are in God? If you did you will not be discouraged. Your identity in God has equipped you to face any challenge and be victorious. You were born to be overcome.

1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Through the process of our being born again, we were equipped with the potential to overcome any opposition that threatens our divine purpose. Therefore, if we get the revelation of who we really are in God, we will be launched into the power of faith to confront any opposition. If we focus on only our problems and ignore our divine identity we will be griped with fear. Do you know who you are? Do you know the name that God calls you? The mountain of opposition must be terrified of you. You are not a nobody but a child of the most high God. Do you know who you are?

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

In light of your divine identity, the mountain is nothing? It is there to expose your divine potential. If there is no mountain in your life, then the invisible God will not demonstrate His miraculous power in your life. Get ready for your mountain is about to be destroyed because you are a child of God. Your identity guarantees your completion of the divine assignment.

God exhorts Zerubbabel that as he has laid the foundation of the temple, he shall bring forth the headstone with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it to finish it. God does not start what He is not determined to complete. If he started it, then you should be fully assured He will complete it. If he built the foundation, then there is no mountain of opposition that will stop Him from laying the headstone. What then is this mountain that has gripped you with fear? What is this boastful mountain before YOU? I exhort you to awaken to your true identity and know that you belong to the most high God before whom mountains evaporate to become a plain.

Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

By Reindorf Mantey

Friday, October 29, 2010

Do you Believe?

Mat 9:27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.

Mat 9:28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.

Mat 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Examining this short narrative under the light of the Holy Spirit, we observe that Jesus Christ was on his way somewhere, though the bible does not state. Two blind men followed him crying, “son of David, have mercy on us.” Christ did not answer them or say anything at that moment. So they kept crying as they followed; “have mercy on us” till they got to his destination. These blind men were not angry, nor allowed their pride get in the way. They interpreted his silence as delayed but not denial. The mere fact that Christ did not respond or react to their cry did not mean that they had to turn back and or give up. These men were passionate about what they needed and humbled themselves to follow Christ without questioning him, murmuring against him or pointing fingers at him.

Sometimes, we as human beings not being careful allow our pride to get in the way of our deliverance, restoration, healing, or breakthrough. Instead of us considering and judging things from a divine perspective, we allow our fleshly emotions to have the best of us. This on the contrary causes us to loose the precious things God has ordained for us. “After all I’ve called upon his name, tried reading my bible, went to church and all night prayers, sang in the church choir, paid my tithes, fed and gave money to the homeless, so no and he is not minding me,” some may say. But do you know that his silence is a test of character, passion, and maturity? Do you know that the silence serves as a transfiguration period for us to be like him? Do not let your flesh deceive you that God does not want to answer you or give you anything. He is a prayer answering God and it is his desire and will that we prosper in every areas and aspects of life. Don’t shrink back! Be tenacious and diligent as these blind men were to access what God has for you. Don’t forget that since the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

According to the narrative, these blind men kept following and when they got the house Jesus asked them a simple question: “believe ye that I am able to do this?” Now, why would they have followed him if they did not believe that Christ was able to heal them? Did not their approach in Christ define their faith in him? The questions Christ asked bring us to understand that, there is a possibility that one can be very diligent, passionate, prayerful, etc and not believe. You see, Christ by the question was not really concerned about their problem, rather, their belief. In actuality our problem is not a problem to God, our sickness is not a difficulty to the Messiah, and our critical conditions are nothing but mere chaff before the Christ. Our moral deficiency is not a problem at all to Jesus because with him all things are possible. His concern is our belief in him. Do you believe that he can deliver you right now as you are reading? Do you believe that you can receive your miracle right now as I write to you? Do you have faith in him to transform you life?

The Lord asked them the question to initiate their faith. By the pronouncement of their belief in response to answer the Lord they activated the faith necessary to receive their sight. When these men were following Jesus the only thing they did was to cry “have mercy on us” which was not exact according to our deduction. The genuineness of their belief was locked in their declaration and until they spoke, they would have remained in that same condition. Do you really believe? If you believe, then you must speak it out. The bible says that let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Out of the mouths baby and suckling has God ordained strength. You shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee. The power to affect your today and or future is residing in your mouth and you must speak it forth irrespective of how you feel or what you are going through.

For these blind men to see they needed to actualize their belief through speaking. As far us God was concerned, He had made the provision already. It was not yet manifested because all these years they “cried” but never took a step in declaring their belief. God had already healed you before the foundations of the earth. Your “messed up” life was fixed even before you were born. Your ministry was established before you even started ministry. That marriage you desire was put together even before you thought of having a desire for marriage. All you have to do is to speak it out you belief so that the faith needed will be activated. Declare your belief in Christ and see it manifest for all to see the power and glory of the risen Lord. If you believe, then declare it and according to your faith it shall be done unto thee.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Gen 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

The Bible says God created the earth and placed Adam and Eve in a garden called Eden – pleasure. God gave them a commandment not to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil but they disobeyed. Their disobedience placed them in direct opposition to God and therefore He had to cast them out of the garden. In the midst of time while God was casting them out of Eden he gave them a pronouncement, a prophetic declaration. He told them that although Satan through his deceptive means has caused them to deny their heritage and status in God, through their seed they will crush the head of the serpent. So when they came out of the garden their only hope of restoration was the seed God promised them.

Adam with the prophetic word in mind knew his wife and she bore him children. With Cain being the first the born and Abel the second, they were confident that one of them was the seed God was talking about. Preferably, the first son, Cain! But something tragic happened during the cause of life. Cain became messed up and murdered his only brother Abel. Now Adam and Eve’s dreams and hope for restoration had been shattered.

With Cain rejected, driven from the presence of God and Abel murdered, what was going to be the outcome of Adam and Eve’s generation and moreover the prophetic word given to them by God?

Many of us find ourselves in situations such as Adam and Eve and all we can think of is throwing in the towel. Some also forget that God is God indeed and nothing can and will stop him from fulfilling his purpose in our lives as we allow him.

Isa 14:27 For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?

Adam and Eve held on to the promise of God and took a step again. The Bible tells us the he “knew” his wife again and she bore him a son called Seth meaning in stead of or substitute or appointed. Because he did it again their dreams and hope for restoration were realized. Their trust in God became the vehicle that transported them to arena of doing it again, thus “knowing” his wife to produce another seed. Do you trust God? Do you really believe God be who you say He is?

Maybe you have placed your trust in someone or something and you have been disappointed. You have been left paralyzed, demoralized and traumatized. You are so discouraged that you have thrown in the towel. You are confused and clueless of what to do in life anymore. I write to you to encourage you that God has a vision for you life. He has a mandate for your life. It is does not matter whether you have lost your “Abel” and frustrated with your “Cain”. God has an appointment for you. The vision of God for your life is set for an appointed time. Believe His word, and trust also in him and He shall bring it to pass. For as long as He is seated on the throne, that vision or prophecy will be made manifest. It is not over until God says it is over. Don’t throw in the towel for the vision of God is set for an appointed time even though it seems you have lost it all.

Now, considering Adam and Eve’s situation, they should have given up, complained, murmured against God like some of us do. They should have departed from righteousness unto ungodliness just because the manifestation of the Lord’s promise was delayed. Rather they remembered the word declared to them by God and decided to take another step. Though they failed the first time but that did not stop them. They did it again and succeeded.

I might not know what you are going through but I have come to you today in writing to tell you don’t loose hope but rather trust God and His word and do it again. Whatever the devil might have stolen from you don’t let it stop your confidence in God. You might not understand God’s plans or His ways but Jer. 29:11 clearly states that His plans towards us are good and to bring us to an expected end. Rise up mighty man and woman of God in obedience to His word and do it again. Whatever the Lord has spoken to you, don’t withdraw because of your past failure. Let it be your experience and do it again.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]." - Romans 8:19 (Amplified Version)

I once heard a story of an eaglet who was raised by a hen. For a very long time, this eaglet behaved like a chicken, ate the food of chickens and never flew even when it grew because it was ignorant of it's identity and their ability to soar high into the sun. One day a group of eagles were flying nearby and they saw the eagle with the chickens. They plucked the eagle out with their claws and added it to their company. They then began to train it and teach it how to behave like an eagle and that included learning how to fly. Initially it could not even exercise its wings but as time went on, it began to soar into greater altitudes and never again returned to the company of chickens. The eagle had found it's true identity and it's attitude was changed drastically.

As inspirational as the above story is, I am afraid to say that many of us are like the eagle in the company of chickens. Due to ignorance of our identity, we have allowed society & circumstances to determine how we behave and run our lives. Thus we see mighty men and women of valor threshing wheat at the winepress and the devil whipping us because we are ignorant of who we truely are; if you do not know you are a millionaire in with millions in your bank account, you will continue to remain poor however the moment you come to the realization of your identity, your perception change and you begin to walk as such.

In the same way, for us to really come into the fullness of our true identity, we must firstly know our origin. The Bible gives a beautiful narration of our beggining. In Genesis chapter 1 verse 27-30,it clearly states that God created man (both male & female) in His own Image and likeness to have dominion and subdue the earth and everything in it. After forming man from the dust of the ground, He breathed into His nostrils, the breath of Life and Man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). That meant that without the breath, there was no living soul.

In other words, our ultimate identity, the spirit man the part of us that is really us came directly from God. An innate God-like nature which was supposed to act like God in everything, the ability to decree and to control. This thus should explain man's obsession for power and control in our world today because that was the ultimate purpose of man : to manifest our sonship in the earth and to govern every affairs of this life as God's representatives.

Hence we need not be surprised with all the catastrophic events and circumstances destroying our lives and the environment because the Sons of God are not manifesting their sonship and the whole earth including the plants and animals are being affected by our high treason due to our falling nature; we are not acting like Sons of God rather like the eagle in the story, we behave like "chicken" due to our ignorance of our identity (figuratively speaking).

Who then are the Sons of God?

In the ancient world a son, though born by the father, was adopted at maturity. The child was tutored by an educated slave until the child understood and demonstrated maturity gleaned from that education. At that time the father would “adopt” his son, which meant that the son was now in a position to participate in the responsibilities of the father.

An example of this would be Alexander the Great. As a child, even though he was the prince of King Philip of Macedonia, he was tutored by Aristotle and Leonidas. Philip would then adopt him, which meant that he was fit to co-rule with his father, and to take over after his resignation as king.

Furthermore, in the Jewish culture there are two words for son: ben and bar. Ben means a child born into a family, but bar means “the son of inheritance,” which refers to the maturation of the son in understanding the Torah, and to be a participant in the family of God. From this word we have the Bar Mitzvah (and Bat Mitzvah for girls) for Jewish boys as the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood.

Thus the Sons of God are the ones who have been adopted into the family of God by virtue of the shared blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary,

"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved" (Ephesians 1:4-6).

To help us to really understand this truth, let us consider the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15,the younger son got his inheritance from his father and left his father's house. He went into the world and wasted it all until he had nothing! He had reached bottom low to the point that he was about to eat pigs food. However, something happened to him at that moment; He suddely realized he was worth more than his current situation and said to himself, that even his father's servants had better food to eat and clothing to wear and thus he decided to go back home and submit to his father.

Many of us have neglected our true sonship in God and pursuing pig's food (figurative speaking) whilst in our father's house, there are better foods and inheritance waiting just for us. All we need to do is to know who we are and whose we are and return to our Father. And as we tend to His business, He will shows us the way to prosper so we can acquire our inheritance in Him.

Ask youurself today whether you are genuinely possessing the land and walking in your call as a true Son of God or you are just a spectator of life, waiting to see a catastrophic event for you to be victimized. I charge you today to rise up, Oh Child of God! Get back into the loving arms of your Heavenly Father who is patiently waiting for your return and more than happy to give you your inheritance.
The bible says it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom (Luke 12:32). But before we can get the kingdom, we need to be in an intimate relationship with Him so we can know His ways and be prosperous.

So how do we become Sons of God?

The bible says "as many as receive Him to them He gave the power to become Sons of God" (John 1: 12)

You have to reconnect with your heavenly Father to be adopted into His family and after His seal has been placed on you, then He will enable you to be your true self and manifest His glory in your life because He will lead you.

Romans 8:13-17 States this truth beautifully,
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together

Why don't you consider today giving your whole life to your Father? If you do not know Him, and would love to start this beautiful journey with Him, first of all recognize that you are a sinner and have fallen short of His glory and then receive His Son Jesus Christ, your Senior Brother who came to die on the cross to reconcile you to your Father as your savior and Lord in your life. Simply say this prayer:

Father God,
I thank you for your love and my life.
I admit that I am a sinner and have fallen short of your glory but I am grateful for allowing Jesus to die for me. Please Lord Jesus forgive me of all my sins and come be Lord of my life. Wash my sins and cleanse me with your precious blood and write my name in the Lamb's book of Life. Thank you for restoring my true identity to me again. Amen.

Now believe that you are now a true Son of God.
Just surrender your will and everything to Him and He will lead you to the path of life.

EMAIL ME AT or call 347-297-6049

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Stay in tune with the latest events and upcoming conferences by watching the weekly bulletins of Lilly Morgan. She chronicles the latest events of the Ministries, the itinerary of Pastor Reindorf Mantey and the latest resources of Crusaders ministeries and networks. Stay tuned and be blessed by what the Lord is doing.


Don't be Afraid Part 2


Don't be Afraid Part 1

Are you overwhelmed by the opposition? Are you at the brink to give up? This is a timely word from Pastor Mantey to rally believers to the mandate as the are confronted by the threats of the Enemy. You will receive a spiritual boost that will launch to the fulfillment of you calling. Forward it to your friends as you are blessed by the message.


Crusaders bible School - Importance of Discipleship -part 3

Crusaders bible School - Importance of Discipleship -part 2

Crusaders bible School - Importance of Discipleship -part 1




Crusaders School of ministry is an institution of strong Biblical discipleship, in depth knowledge of doctrine, investments principles, time management, financial acuteness, ministerial training, global evangelism, internet strategies, global marketing and technological excellence to communicate the gospel message.
Crusaders school of ministry is not just a place to receive in-depth biblical knowledge, to be theological sound but a place to experience practical ministerial principles, a center of spiritual renewal, effective discipleship, and activation of spiritual gifts. For more information visit us at

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


How are you?
I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love you and care about you.
I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends.
I waited all day, hoping you would walk and talk with me also.
As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you.
Then I waited, but you never came.
O yes, it hurt me, but I still love you because I am your friend.
I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and your face ...
Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk.
I have so many gifts for you.

You awakened late this morning and rushed off for the day.
My tears were in the rain. Today you looked so sad, so alone.
It makes my heart ache because I understand.
My friends let me down and hurt me many times but I love you.
I try to tell you in the quiet green grass.
I whisper it in the leaves and trees and breathe it in the colors of the flowers.
I whisper it to you in the mountain streams and give the birds love songs to sing.
I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air.
My love for you is deeper than the oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you could ever have.

I love you! I shed my own blood for you to make you clean.
You are clean now, so believe that it is true.
You are lovely in my eyes, and I created you to be just as you are.
Do not criticize yourself or get down for not being perfect in your own eyes.
This leads only to frustration. I want you to trust Me - one step
one day at a time. Dwell in My power and in My love and be free!

Be yourself! Don't allow other people to run you.
I will guide you, if you let Me. Be aware of My presence in everything.
I give you patience, love, joy, peace and life. Look to Me for your answers.
I am your shepherd and will lead you. Follow me only! Do not ever forget this.
Listen to Me and I will tell you My will.
Let My love flow from you and spill over to all you touch.
Do not be concerned with yourself. You are My responsibility. I will change you,
and you will hardly know it is happening. You are to
love yourself and love others simply because I love you.
Take your eyes off yourself! Look only at Me!
I change...I create..., but not when you are trying. I won't fight your efforts.
You are Mine. Let Me give you joy, peace, and kindness. No one else can!

We will spend eternity together in Heaven.
I know how hard it is on earth.
I really know because I was there and I want to help you.
Our Father wants to help you, too.
He's that way, you know.
Just call me, ask me, talk to me.
It is your decision ... I have chosen you and because of this I will wait ...
Because I love you.

Your First Love,

(Rewritten by Felicia Asomaning)
