Thursday, May 28, 2009


The fear of the unknown and the inability to surrender all to God can cause us to compromise. An average young Christian woman hungry and desperate to be embraced found a guy friend who gave her a little attention. The guy asked her out and she accepted the proposal be in a relationship with him. Unknown to the girl, the guy’s only intention was to sexually relate to her not love. He vowed in his heart that he would do anything in his power to cause this girl to fall. But being a virgin and scared by what fornication could do to her, the girl refused. Enjoying the attention from the guy who sounded so promising, she decided to show some affection to the guy by kissing so the guy will not leave her. However being hypnotized by that little attention and fear of losing him caused the enemy to bombard to sleep with him to secure her attention. The guy was satisfied but she was in tears. That marked the beginning of a period of misery and bondage for her with no way out without the grace of God.

As a straight “A” student who pursued her education with a full scholarship lost it all; doing poorly in school due to problems that began to arise in her life: spiritually and psychologically. Her health was also threatened and she was bound by the enemy in such that she was now addicted to sexual immorality. And she began to imagine things she had no business imagining which got her into more trouble. Although, she loved God with all heart but not looking up to Jesus, the author and finisher of her faith for strength and attention but man released fear into her heart and she compromised.

Many are in the same position as this girl, ready to make the same mistake based on the deception of the enemy. Do not give in! Take these steps to avoid the painful cost of compromise. Flee from that situation that is constantly serving you with that plate of compromise as Joseph. It is better to lose your dignity than to lose your destiny (Genesis 39:10-12), the price is too costly! Jesus puts it this way, “if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life injured or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire (Mathew 18:8).

Wait upon the Lord by praying, worshipping, reading the word, and fasting. The more you walk in the spirit the more you become like Christ; in the presence of the Lord there is no sin. Our strength is renewed in His presence (Isaiah 40:31). We need also to embrace the logos (written word) and the rhema (spoken word )of God, believe in it and walk in obedience; disobedience can cause you to miss the path of righteousness (Josh 1:8; Mat 4:4). Also, consistently declaring positive things in our lives releases faith that challenges us to walk upright with God (Proverbs 18:20-21; Job 22:28).

If on the other hand you have already compromised, repent of you sin, confess your sins to God, submit yourself to leadership for restoration, and then follow these steps to keep you away from compromising in the future. “And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me…” (Judges 16:28)


  1. hehehehehe..........This looks like the story of my life. Thank God for restoration!

  2. Priscilla KissieduJune 4, 2009 at 6:14 PM

    Thank God for the writer. God is speaking. Sisters let’s chill. I mean let us relax and wait for the lord. For in his time, he makes all things beautiful. In his time, he makes all things lovely, and there is no mistake. U might be wondering about this time. When the time comes u would tell the enemy come and see what the lord has done. Do not do this mistake, it would cost u. Trust me I know what I am talking about. We should bear in mind that men may disappoint us, they would lie to us. Men would fail us, but God is a faithful God. He is not a man that should lie, he keeps to his promises. My dear sisters, lets keep our under wear on.

