Monday, May 18, 2009


I am sitting on my bed right on course wondering what to do.
Watching the clock tick;
Pondering on what is next
How long Lord?
In the Valley, on my way to Canaan the Land of Milk and Honey;
My promised Land!
Oh how long Lord?
Frustration! Frustration! Frustration!
The Song of the day
Wondering what is God thinking at this time,
calling me yet disappeared into thin air or so I think.
Wait a minute, what is happening here?
"God is going to make you great!" exclaimed the preacher; I see you this and I see you that!
Spring is here, the sun is out; tis time to get out
Spring is here, the Son is here? still in the Valley, on my way to Canaan the Land of milk and honey or Am I?

How many of you are humming to the tune of this song?
You sense the call of God on your life yet frustrated not knowing what to do?
The passion and zeal so strong yet overwhelmed with the whole experience.
Out of Egypt yet not in Canaan
Now you feel burnt in the desert by the Scorching Sun, already out
Yet on your way, way to the Canaan your Promised Land;
Your Land of Milk and Honey?
Oh what is next?

Can you be honest enough to attest to this?
Answer me and I will get back to you


  1. maybe God put them in the wilderness to show he was milk and honey, more so than any land or anything else
    maybe God's plan is just for us to get out and do something, not to bow down and wait, but to get up, thank God and tell people about him, to wait on others like a waiter at a restaurant, putting people ahead of ourselves in everyway everyday

    what is the call of God?
    is it anything but a call to change someone's life?

  2. Hi I can identify with you on everything you wrote, every since I accepted the call on my life, my life has been turned up side down, but yet I trust in the Lord! Hang in there and be encouraged your God is with you!

  3. I do also identify with this article. So many a time i get faustrated about what do knowing that i have been called by God. I hear this and that about what God is going to use me for, yet i see everything around me and in me as not enough to achieve or fufill that call. But through it all there is something i think of: the reason for the uncertainty and strugles are because before i get to my cannan(fufil my call and purpose
    ) i have to experience the wilderness to raid me of the things that will kill me if do take them to cannan. Its not as easy as it sounds. But when we don't understand where we are and how to fufill our calling, it is because God is still working a work in us, so that when we come out we can be as pure as gold.
    God bless you sister for this article

  4. Hello,
    The call of God is simply your assignment on this earth. Everyone is created for a purpose and finding that purpose is your call. However many at times, people are not really walking in their call that is fulfilling their assignments which leaves them frustrated, wondering what to do in life. But that is not the will of God for us. Being called does not necessarily mean you need to be in the ministry but what you are really born to accomplish.
    Go to and click on the podcast section. You will see one that is being done on calling, purpose, mandate and identity.
    It will answer all the questions you have concerning the call of God, your destiny and how to fulfill it.
    God bless you

