Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you Love God

Sometimes we get a distorted idea about what love is. One night, a man decided to show his wife how much he loved her. After dinner he began to recite romantic poetry, telling her he would climb high mountains to be near her, swim wide oceans cross deserts in the burning heat of day, and even sit at her window and sing love songs to her in the moonlight.
After listening to him go on for sometime about this immense love he had, she ended the conversation when she asked, "but will you wash the dishes for me?"

This story reflects the lifestyle of many believers. We are passionate in worship, with all the drama of seasoned actors yet when it comes to genuine commitment to the divine purpose we fail miserably. We don't mind praying for hours and yet will not take a minute to forgive offenders. We hop from churches to revival meetings seeking divine encounters and prophetic word yet we are not disciplined to read a chapter of the bible. Our love for God must not be measured by only the eloquence of our speeches, the passion of our zeal, or the depth of our sacrifices but the quality of our obedience.
Jn 14:15 (KJV) If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Love is not just a emotional feeling but an action based on the understanding on what is needed. So if we love God we will take action on what He expects of us. Let us tone down the amplitude of our empty promises and excel in the quality of our obedience.


  1. This is a clarion call for all believers who profess Christ as their Lord and Savior! "To obey is better than to sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22).
    The church pews are warmed enough and it is about time we stop the dramatic expressions, favorable sermons that tickle the ears, and ecstatic emotional expressions (the highs and the lows) that have become the trademark of the anointing of the Spirit and come to a place of genuine repentance. Then He promises to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
    Awake from slumber Child of God!

  2. Most of the time we talk the talk but do we walk the walk. We tell God how much we love him but how much of our actions show that? How much of our money do we love him with? Do we answer to his calls at night when he wants to us to spend some intimate time with him? Devotion, Dedication, Commitment and Consecration to him should be priority. Let's do the talking but most importantly the walking.

