Saturday, May 30, 2009

Not Eliphaz but Boaz (Ladies in Waiting)

I don't need someone to kick me while I'm down like Eliphaz.
But when I'm goin through, can get a prayer through like Jabez.
I'm not playin peek a boo, hide n go seek or
Can you guess what's on his mind?

We need to stop chasing these boys
Make ourselves the best catch a man can find.
As always, we gather information and pray to our Father.
While the man hunts us, looks for us;
Using the Holy Spirit as the compass
To discover us.

Crouched down, busy, working with our hands,
Nurturing, praying, and warring with our hands.
Teaching the little children the Lord's commands.
Being the example of strength
That when we've done all we can do, we stand.
Stand therefore in holy adoration,
To the only One who can heal our nation.
If we would simply seek His face.
And stop being like the world, caught up in the rat race.
And recognize that our affections are misplaced.

So turn off reality TV and get into God’s reality,
That to have somebody anointed, we must remain busy,
About our Father’s business
Providing and serving.
Depending on our walk with God
Is the level of a mate we are deserving.
So God is not mocked
What you sow is what you reap.
Little time changed in God’s presence,
Yields a husband who is spiritually weak.
A lot of fellowship with God,
Means a giant-slaying husband that no devil can defeat.
As we delight ourselves in God,
He promises to grant us the desires of our heart.
But many of us forget to do our part.
It was while Ruth was on assignment,
That she captured a blessed man’s heart.
She was fighting off the grips of poverty
Pursuing the well being of her family.

So what is it that the Lord has told you to do?
Are you following exactly what He is telling you?
Me personally, no and I must repent.
Turn from my own agenda and relent.
Cast of the sins that so easily beset me.
Get busy with the ministry He has already given me.
And allow the Lord to use me and prepare me.
So that when my Boaz comes, I’ll be ready,
And fully grown into maturity,
To reign in heavenly places unspotted, unwrinkled royalty.

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