Thursday, May 7, 2009

If It Had Not Been For the Lord

Psalm 124:1-3 (New King James Version)

“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,
Let Israel now say—
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,
When men rose up against us,
Then they would have swallowed us alive,
When their wrath was kindled against us."

This blog is dedicated to my fellow Crusader, Felicia who listens to the song "If It Had Not Been" by Kiki Sheard everyday ALL DAY. Also this is to every Crusader and believer who has been delivered from something/many things by the Mighty hand of God! (I put this song on today to celebrate victory in Jesus and my MP4 wouldn't stop playing the song when I got out the car. I kept pressing the pause button and the song kept playing. So I plugged my head phones into it and I'm listening to it repeatedly as I share this testimony with you all.)

Have you ever struggled through a long trial and as negative events keep unfolding, you begin to question if God really loves you? Does He really see all that is going on? I mean, one day I prayed 20 minutes worth of decreeing and declaring and tearing down this and cancelling and nullifying that! Then another hour of interceding and worshipping about this, that and the other! Then I dust myself off, clean away the snot and the tears, clear my throat, prepare myself to go out into the world by 11am and by 1pm, I'm stalked by a quota-hungry cop, pulled over, and my car is towed. In addition, all the money to survive for the rest of the week and then some, is put into the greasy hands of the tow truck operator, who is also baffled by my demise but wont give me one penny of my money back. I'm slapped with a summons to court and the prospect of having to make a 20 minute hike home on foot! But say with me now, "If it had not been for the Lord where would I be?"
What I did not understand at that time, in a dark hour of my life, is that My Heavenly Father knew this situation was the PERFECT opportunity for me to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord! He knew that the enemy's false accusations could not stick! Besides, Christ defeated death, hell, and the grave for a wretch like I was, therefore, like Peter, there's no charge or no prison that can hold me! So say it out LOUD with me now, "If it had not been for the Lord where would I be?!?!?!" I DID NOT walk home when my car was towed! I DID NOT miss church on ANY Sunday that I was transported by angelic escort from Connecticut to the Bronx, NY! And I WAS NEVER hindered from work or meeting anyone's needs of transportation, or ministerial support! AND I went to court today with all the legitimate documents I was accused of not having. I went into the lovely court building a King's kid, and the charges were nullified without me even standing before a judge! And I walked out an EVEN MORE victorious King's kid!
My faith is ALL the more increased and the devil's tools only sharpened my holy boldness. I KNOW all the MORE that I am His Beloved. I KNOW all the MORE that it is by His GRACE that I am called, elected, and chosen to do what He has called me to do! And there is no devil in Hell, Shoel, Hades, the Abyss, underneath the earth, upon the earth or in the heavens who can stop me because I come as an Ambassodor of Jesus Christ and have every right in the kingdom of God and of Heaven and then some! So I know, that I know, that I know, "If it had not been for the Lord where would I be?"

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